
Nordic Light Region #32 Education Portal

Welcome !

Here you’ll find a variety of helpful resources, instructional videos relating to voice, music and virtual rehearsals. OBS! This site is in progress


Travel in Tune Welcome to Region #32 Nordic Light.This region is known for innovative, exciting performances.full of surprises — and championship medals too!

Take part of our journey , click on the picture below to start!

Click and watch our fantastic videos

About education

Sweet Adelines International and Nordic Light Region have a strong culture of learning and offering education for all members. Being a member of Nordic Light Region means that you have access to an abundance of education.
Each year the region hosts Directors' education, Nordic Education Weekend, Leadership days and more. Competition is also an important educational tool for quartets and choruses.

Nordic Light Region have regional faculty that teach classes in vocal production, music theory, interpretation, visual performance, choreography, leadership, barbershop history, vision- and goal work, and much more. We do also 
invite special international faculty to teach as well during our Education Weekend and choruses as quartets.

Sweet Adelines International offers education for directors, visual leaders and for all members. This is done in the Directors and Visual Leaders' Seminar, the International Education Symposium and at the International Conventions. 

Some of the material requires logged in as a member in Nordic Light Region #32 "members " section as to Sweet Adelines Education "members only" section. 


Public resources

Learn more about the complex and rewarding genre of four-part barbershop harmony.

This is Barbershop 
push the button for more detailed barbershop 101


Barbershop 101 , here are the basics to 4 part harmony called Barbershop.
And below performance by Malmö Limelight Chorus at Regional competition 2022,
Competition form is one of the education part of barbershop singing, to develop as a chorus or a quartet. Listen to the specific sound the 4 part harmony brings.


Opportunity for Young singers 
 push the button for more detailed program for Young Women


Designed for singers age 25 and younger, YWIH provides opportunities for students to explore the world of barbershop music through education, festivals, workshops, camps and competitions. You will also find more for educators as well.


Certification program  Push the button to get more detailed programs and how to apply


Sweet Adelines International  encourages women to take on leadership roles that transcend into their communities and professional and personal lives. How to arrange barbershop style, musical director skills , judging program and more.Below example of lovely performance of director skills.


Voice Media Page Push the button to watch & learn by videos


Welcome to the Voice section of the members-only education portal where you'll find a variety of helpful articles, tips, links and other resources to help your chorus or quartet give powerful vocal performances.



 Barbershop pod

Here you can listen to Körpodden all about our magical organization and barbershop (In Swedish) 

Thank you Rönninge Show Chorus musical director Anna Alvring and Alba Show Chorus and The EntertainMen musical director Åsa Bergh Fagerström for a brilliant conversation about barbershop!

Podden produced by Sveriges Körförbund in association with Kulturens Bildningsverksamhet


Member only resources (requires logged in) 

  Barbershop Basics