Handling of participants' personal information when organizing NLR events

The following information about event participants may be collected in order to carry out the event:

  • Name
  • Chorus affiliation, etc.
  • Voice part
  • Email address
  • Possibly a phone number
  • Possibly other information needed for the specific event, such as preferences for training tracks at educational events
  • Possibly other information that the participant wishes to share with the organizers

When ordering food in connection with the event, the following information is also collected:

  • Meal preferences
  • Special dietary requests
  • Other information that the participant wants to provide to ensure the order is correct

Methods for collecting information:
Survey tools, such as Google Forms

Who has access to the information:

  • Event organizers
  • Possible meal suppliers for the event may have access to information about meal preferences

Handling of collected information as outlined above:
Stored for as long as necessary to organize the event, follow up on payment for the event and meals, and send out educational materials or similar. Once this is done, the data will be deleted.

Images, video, and streaming:

  • Photography may occur during the event, and photos may be shared internally and externally, for example on websites and social media. Participants in the events may appear in photos.
  • The event may be filmed and/or streamed, either on-demand or live. The streaming may be done in a way that allows external audiences to access it, such as through a webcast. Participants in the event may therefore appear in videos and/or live streaming.
  • The videos may be stored and shared with NLR's members for educational purposes. It may also occur that videos are shared with participants who are not members.
  • People in the videos or streaming may be named if relevant, e.g. the names of trainers/faculty.

Legal basis
The legal basis for collecting and processing all the information as described above is "legitimate interest," meaning there is a legitimate interest that allows the information to be collected and processed. This is based on the personal data necessary to fulfill Nordic Light Region's mission in general and to organize the events the association is tasked with organizing.

Please note! It is not possible to be a participant in Nordic Light Region’s events if one objects to the collection and/or processing of personal data, including images, streaming, and videos, as described above.