Opportunities for Young Singers
The Young Women In Harmony Program (YWIH)
Young Women In Harmony teaches emerging voices the skills, joy and rewards of performing and singing four-part harmony, barbershop style... Young Women in Harmony delivers both musical excellence and education while it gives young women a taste of show business. This program provides educational tools to teach young women singers the joy of performing this American vocal music art form.
A Free Package Is Available To Get You Started Containing:
- Educator’s guide & songbook: How to teach the barbershop style for young women, including the songs in the book voiced for young singers.
- Arrangement list: A list of additional barbershop arrangements voiced for young women.
- DVD: A short presentation by Young Women in Harmony quartets and choruses demonstrating the versatility and excitement of this art form.
- Learning CDs: each voice part and a four-part mix to facilitate learning the music.
Contact Sweet Adelines International Education Department for your free Young Women In Harmony packet.
For more information on YWIH contact our Education Coordinator and visit the SAI web site.and follow our Facebook site Region 32 Young Women In Harmony
In Nordic Light Region there are currently active Larssons Frisersalong in Lund and former chorus Telge Cool Tones was active 2011-2014.
Young Singers Foundation Music Educator Resources Education portal
Rising Star Quartet Contest
Sweet Adelines International welcomes members and non-members ages 25 and younger to compete in the Rising Star Quartet Contest! View the Rising Star Quartet Contest webpage for additional information.
YWIH Video Chorus Contest
Do you have a chorus with at least 12 members? Chorus singers 25 years and under are invited to enter the YWIH Video Chorus Contest. No travel costs are involved! Just sing, record, submit, and — WIN! .View the YWIH Video Chorus Contest webpage for additional information.