Welcome to The European Barbershop Competition 2021+1 in Helsingborg, Sweden May 4-7 2022.
We are excited to announce that we now have a date for the next European Barbershop Competition. The date is May 4-7, 2022!
With the global distribution of vaccine we hope groups can start rehearsing under somewhat normal situations during the second
half of 2021, giving you all time enough to be prepared and hungry for a spectacular European Convention!!
Helsingborg is more than ready to welcome YOU in the spring of 2022!
SNOBS and SAI Nordic Light Region #32, with support from the city of Helsingborg, are happy to welcome you to the European Barbershop Championships 2021+1.
Four days packed to the limit with some of the best barbershop and a cappella singing on the planet. Join us for the music, the awesome people and the parties! Helsingborg is conveniently located a short train ride from Copenhagen airport offering a multitude
of international connections to the entire world.
Contest Entry
The European Barbershop Convention (EBC 2021+1) is now accepting entry forms for the chorus and quartet competitions to be
held May 4-7, 2022 in Helsingborg, Sweden. Deadline for submission of the entry forms is March 6, 2022.
Please click here to register your group to compete!
Acommodation - Hotels
The list of convention hotels is now released! Please make sure to use the booking code
when booking your accomodation to receive the special rates and to gain access to the hotel rooms blocked for convention attendees! Click here for list of hotels.