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Join Today Your Voice Has A Place Here!
Nordic Light Region are nearly everywhere in the nordic countries! From high up north in Sweden to the south, and we have sisters in Finland too.
We are nearly 900 singers strong! Whether you are searching for the friendly intimacy of quartet singing, the camaraderie of being part of a chorus, or both, we have a place for you!
As a Nordic Light member, you will have support and encouragement whether your goal is to sing on the risers, perform in your community, or compete on the international stage. With 18 choruses there are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved. Come sing with us!
We Are Sweet Adelines
Sweet Adelines International is a worldwide organization committed to Elevating women singers worldwide through education, performance, and competition in barbershop harmony and a cappella music.
We sing a cappella music in four-part barbershop style. When four voice parts simultaneously execute on time and on pitch, the chord will produce a “fifth note” called an overtone. Hearing overtone “ring” is a special kind of magic!
Our members, who are from diverse backgrounds, of all different ages and occupations, are universally connected through song. Whether you sang years ago and long to perform again, or are still the first to sign up for karaoke, we would love for you to find your place with us!
Come Sing With Us!
The easiest (and most fun!) way to learn more about Sweet Adelines is to visit a chorus in your area. Many quartets are also members of choruses, so even if you are interested in quartet singing, a chorus visit would be great for you! To find a local chorus, click on the "Find a Chorus" the link below or choruses in the top menu. Contact the listed chorus members by phone or email. They cannot wait to hear from you!
Find a chorus Click here to search for a chorus near by you
Start a Chorus Click here to find out more
Start a Young Women in Harmony chorus or Quartet Read more here
Start a Quartet Click here to find out more
For additional information, contact the membership department at [email protected]