Competition Information Choruses

This page will be updated continuously as soon as more information becomes available. The information here is mainly for chorus leaders administering the registration for competition. A regular chorus member does not need to read this information, but will receive relevant information from chorus leaders.

Registration for the competition must be done both to Sweet Adelines International (SA) in the US and to Nordic Light Region (NLR) as described below. The registration is binding and non-refundable.

If you have questions regarding registration, please contact [email protected]

1. Competition registration and payment to SA

Registration and payment should be done online via member's login at SA website no later than 18 March (late entry deadline is 2 April). Only chorus presidents, directors or treasurers may do this. Instructions are found here: How to register a chorus online

The SA competition entry fee for a chorus is 200 USD (additional 100 USD for late entry), instructions for payment are part of the online registration.

When you register you must

  • Choose whether to participate in International Division, Evaluation Only, Open Division or participation by Video Recording (Evaluation Only or Open Division)
  • Choose riser configuration (more information below)  - changing this after the start order is drawn will incur an addtional cost of 50 USD
  • Indicate if you want to be drawn first in the start order
  • Include information on the songs to be sung, including information the songs have been rated as "Admissible" Song Assessment

The SA chorus portal contains important information for choruses such as the 2025 Regional Competitor Package, please read!

2. Competition registration to NLR

In addition to the SA registration describe above, the chorus also need to register with NLR. There are two steps that need to be completed by 18 March (late entry deadline is 2 April):

  • Register the chorus here
    Provide some information and a photo for presentation of your chorus in the convention program, send to [email protected]
  • Send an list of all competing chorus members to [email protected]. The list is the same as the one you hand in at chorus briefing, you find it at the SA website. Check carefully that all members are listed. If there are new chorus members who have not received ID number from SA yet, add the names to the list anyway. Send an updated list to registration when available.

Non-competing chorus members should be registered separately by 25 April, by downloading and filling in this list. Send the list to [email protected].

There is no NLR competition fee, participation is included in the annual membership fee. The event badge is your personal entry ticket to the arena, it can not be be used by someone else.

Fees are only applicable in the following cases:

  • Late entry fee of 200 SEK for the chorus for registration to NLR after 18 March
  • A convention fee of 900 SEK for each member of a prospective chorus

These fees should be paid to Bankgiro Account 5276-0865 or Swish to 1235114640.

Questions regarding payments should be directed to Finance Coordinator  [email protected]


  • Check songs for admissibility by checking the Song Assessment Database or submitting a new song through the Song Assessment Tool (information here)
  • Annual membership fees for all participants should be payed to SA and NLR by 18 March
  • SA competition registration and payment of competition fee by 18 March (see above)
  • NLR competition registration by 18 March (see above)
  • List of competing members to NLR by 18 March (see above)
  • Copyright information (STIM)  (information here)
  • List of non-competing members to NLR by 25 April (see above)
  • Bring documents to chorus briefing on competition day (see below)

Riser configuration and stage information

There will be two different riser configurations used in the following order:

  1. Alternate riser configuration with 8 sections (without reversed center section) - suitable for smaller choruses up to 50-60 singers
  2. Standard riser configuration with 11 sections (with reversed center section) - suitable for larger choruses

The stage is entered from the right side and exit is on the left side (audience perspective)

Distance from riser center to edge of stage: 6,9 meters

Stage measurements: 9,76 x 21,96 meters

If you have questions about the riser configuration, please contact competition coordinator Barbro Jansson at [email protected] or phone 070-639 11 11

Chorus rooms at the arena

More information will come

Each chorus will be designated a room at the arena on the competion day (Saturday). The room can be used for preparations including singing. Hairspray and nailpolish may not be applied inside the arena, please do this outside the building. Kiwi and citrus is also prohibited due to allergies.

Order of appearance and traffic pattern information

Order of appearance

Traffic pattern 

Chorus briefing - main hall Saturday 9.00 (time may change)

The briefing is an opportunity for information and questions. The competition coordinator will present the contest, time schedule, signal system, back-stage rules, photo shooting, video recording, the price ceremony, who gets a medal and what happens if you are to perform at the Show of Champions. You will get to meet the panel chair and the backstage crew. You will also hand in documents see below.

Director(s), president/team coordinator, registered chorus hostess and a maximum of 4 chorus members are welcome to participate.

There will not be a stage test on Saturday, the official stage test will take place after the quartet briefing on Friday.

Documents to bring to chorus briefing

The following documents must be brought to the chorus briefing in the morning of the competition day:

  • List of competing members printed on paper and signed off by each member. This form is a fillable pdf and all names need to be entered manually. No other format will be accepted.
  • Information about the performance for panel secretary, photographer and light technician Performance information
  • Song information sheet (only if your songs have changed since you registered for the competition) Song information sheet
  • Open Division cue sheet (if applicable) Open division information


Convention assistants

All choruses are expected to provide 10 % of its members as convention assistants. These assistants are needed to man the information desk, to guard the arena doors and to assist in the traffic pattern. The TC/president of each chorus is responsible for filling the quota for the chorus but the volunteering assistants fill in the application form themselves. There are different time slots to choose from and the traffic pattern coordinator will of course take your competition slot into consideration when making the schedule.