NLR News!


News in our online shop to discover! We have a new logo with proud member on our products and also new items available for purchase! Also, don't miss the current discount displayed on the first page of the shop.
Come and buy! Order today! ✨

Some products to shown below but much more to find in the onlineshop


Huge congratulation to Anna Rosenberg Adlerstam , appointed as the Visual Communication Judge Specialist within Sweet Adelines International ! We all in region #32 are very proud for the hard work you do. ✨

NLR member! If you want to learn more about Anna Rosenberg and her views on Visual Communication, there's a video class recorded 2024-03-10 available on NLR's member webpages.








The weekend 26-28 January the quartet school was held in The Netherlands and this was the fourth time that Stuart Sides and his team organized the Quartet School.
This year, a total of 47 quartets from Europe participated, which is almost twice as many as last year. We stayed at a beautiful, 800-year-old castle in Baarlo, Holland.

Åsa Berg Fagerström musical director in Alba Show Chorus Nordic Light Region and The EntertainMen in SNOBS participated with her quartet Happy Brew and describes it all.

"We gathered Friday afternoon and finished Sunday evening. All quartets received a total of 5 hours of coaching from 4 different coaches. In between, we were able to go to different
classes and see and learn from the other quartets' coaching.

The Swedish quartets that were there are: Beyond Epitones, Over the weekend,  Happy Brew,  Gimmick,  Sister,  Emma,  Pulse

And from our brothers in SNOBS 2 Danish quartets were there: Clementones and House rules.

SA conductors Lori Lyford (Scottsdale) and David Sangster (Fourth Valley) were there, as well as Nancy Kelsall (Heartbeat Chorus), Valerie Taylor (Vocal Dimension Chorus) and Music Judge Specialist Jana Gutenson. And of course Stuart Sides, who is the conductor of 4 choirs, 1 of which is from SA (No Borders Chorus). Jonas Rasmussen, conductor of the Danish Invasion, was there. Norbert was there, Conductor of Heavy Medals, and Stephanie Smith, former Conductor of BinG and Europe's first BHS Performance Judge!

So, it was a mix of choir and quartet singers, conductors and judges from several organizations: SA (Regions 31 & 32), BHS, SNOBS, BinG, Holland Harmony, Labbs, Babbs and others. An extremely competent team!

We gathered Friday afternoon and finished Sunday evening. All quartets received a total of 5 hours of coaching from 4 different coaches. In between, we were able to go to different classes and see and learn from the other quartets' coaching. The weekend both started and ended with a POD (Performance on demand), where all quartets were divided into 4 groups, where everyone performed for each other"


All this great photos is Eric Ideler

And to take part of the big album from this weekend 





Congratulations SeaSide Singers!

Congratulations on completing your chartering! Now you are officially a chorus in the region. A warm welcome to SeaSide Singers from Åland!
We are very happy that you made it through the chartering journey. You are an inspiration to all of us, showing how well you managed through the pandemic period and fought all the way!! The Nordic Light Region Management Team is very proud of you! 




Officially Installed! Welcome our 2023-2024 Nordic Light Region #32 Management Team!

Welcome to our new board members  Astrid Berglund Communication Coordinator ✨ New position Annika Christensen - Education Coordinator ✨, Catharina Pettersson Team Coordinator ✨

Continuation board members,  Lisbet Fridborn - Membership Coordinator , Marie Erenstedt Directors Coordinator, Rosmarie Karlsson Marketing Coordinator

VACANCY - Events Coordinator and Finance Coordinator


And a big applause for our resigning board member Lisa Rolf (EVC) ✨  for your  great effort in our region.✨

What did you know about your team? Read more here to find out



Älskar du att sjunga, att stå på scen, kanske rent av att tävla i sång och att uttrycka dig visuellt? Då är a cappella sång inom Nordic Light Region platsen för dig. Vi har 17 körer spridda runtom Sverige, Finland och Åland.

Just nu pågår vår kampanj Younger! vilket innebär att alla under 26 år enbart betalar 50:- per månad för medlemskap under ett helt år.

Är du över 26 år är du också välkommen men betalar ordinarie medlemsavgift. Alla våra körer ger utbildning inom barbershop, en fyrstämmig a cappella sångstil där vi lägger stort fokus på sceniskt uttryck.

Skicka ett PM till oss [email protected] och berätta var du bor så tipsar vi om din närmaste kör eller gå in på vår hemsida och fliken choruses.


Följ oss på facebook och Instagram!


Do you love to sing, to be on stage, maybe even to compete in singing and to express yourself visually? Then a cappella singing within the Nordic Light Region is the place for you. We have 17 choirs spread around Sweden, Finland and Åland.

Right now our campaign Younger is running! which means that everyone under the age of 26 only pays SEK 50 per month for membership for a whole year.

If you are over 26, you are also welcome but pay the regular membership fee. All of our choirs provide training in barbershop, a four-part a cappella singing style where we place great emphasis on scenic expression.

Send us a PM [email protected] and tell us where you live and we will advise you of your nearest choir or go to our website and the choruses tab.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!


Officially Installed! Welcome our 2022-2023 Nordic Light Region #32 Management Team!

Welcome to our new board members Charlotte Pettersson - Education Coordinator ✨, Lisbet Fridborn - Membership Coordinator ✨

Continuation board members, Annika Christensen Communication Coordinator, Marie Erenstedt Directors Coordinator, Catharina Pettersson Finance Coordinator, Lisa Rolf Events Coordinator, & Acting Team Coordinator temporary & Rosmarie Karlsson Marketing Coordinator

And a big applause for our resigning board members Kerstin Brindbergs ✨Anna Rosenberg Adlerstam and Annika Dellås ✨ for your very great effort.

What did you know about your team? Read more here to find out




Welcome to Travel in Tune!

All abooooard…It’s been awhile since we’ve been able to visit each other. Until we can meet again in person, Travel in Tune allows Sweet Adelines International members to virtually experience the exceptional cultures, personalities, and educational programs of each of our regions. We are so excited to see the amazing gifts and talents that make up our regions, by traveling around the world — together, virtually.

Region 32 Nordic Light Travel in Tune

Region #32 Nordic Light

“Let’s have a sight at the great Nordic Light” as we journey to beautiful Region #32!  

Watch the sneak peek


Congratulations Annika Dellås to your new position in International Board of Directors!


The election of the International Board of Directors is complete, and the following candidates will be serving along with the continuing members of the Board:

Jeanne d’Arc (JD) Crowe, Canadian Showtime Chorus, Region 16 – serving a three-year elected term May 1, 2022, to April 30, 2025.

Jenny Harris, Harbor City Music Company Show Chorus and Arundelair Chorus, Region 19 – serving a three-year elected term May 1, 2022, to April 30, 2025.

Valerie Taylor, Vocal Dimension Chorus, Region 31 – serving a three-year elected term May 1, 2022, to April 30, 2025.

Annika Dellås, Rönninge Show Chorus, Region 32 – serving a one-year appointed term May 1, 2022, to April 30, 2023.

Congratulations and thank you to these members whose passion for service led them to volunteer for this awesome responsibility. #SweetAdelines Canadian Showtime Chorus Lake Ontario Region 16 Sweet Adelines Harbor City Music Company Show Chorus Arundelair Chorus Atlantic Bay-Mountain Region 19, Sweet Adelines International Vocal Dimension Chorus Quartet of Nations Region 31 - Sweet Adelines International Rönninge Show Chorus Nordic Light Region - Sweet Adelines International Region #32




Welcome to the Travel in Tune Blog!

Discover Sweet Adelines Regions around the globe...

Need something to read while you're waiting for the next flight? Pull up the Travel in Tune blog for more about exciting destinations and excursions!

Travel in Tune allows Sweet Adelines International members to virtually experience the exceptional cultures, personalities, and educational programs of each of our regions. To become a member of Sweet Adelines visit or contact our Membership Department via [email protected].

We look forward to traveling together!

Read more at Sweetadelines website! 





Officially Installed!! Welcome our 2021-2022 Nordic Light Region #32 Management Team!


Welcome to our new board members Anna Rosenberg Adlerstam - Education Coordinator , Rosmarie Karlsson - Marketing Coordinator and 

a big applause for our resigning board members Mari Pettersson and Anna-Lena Halttunen for your great effort.

Read more about the Team and their positions

TC - Team Coordinator - Annika Dellås
COC - Communication Coordinator - Annika Christensen
MEC - Membership Coordinator - Kerstin Brindbergs
ED - Education Coordinator - Anna Rosenberg Adlerstam
EVC - Events Coordinator - Lisa Rolf 
FC - Finance Coordinator - Catharina Pettersson
MKC - Marketing Coordinator - Rosmarie Karlsson








Click here to read shortly about this positions

Be A Star In RMT! 

Would you like to be a part of the regional team? Do you want to have fun and develop yourself?

Apply for this available positions now! 

Available positions 2021 are: 
Education Coordinator - Apply here
Mrs Copyright - Apply here
Panel Secretary - Apply here 
Arranging Certification Coordinator - Apply here
Convention Committee - Registration chair - Apply here

Read more about the positions just click on the picture above!



Thank you Telge for bringing Sweet Adelines to Sweden!

We are sad to announce that Telge Harmony Chorus has ceased its activities. Telge was the first SAI-chorus, founded in 1975, and the chorus’ musicality impressed everyone listening. Also, the audience was amazed by the entertaining choreography. Nordic Light Region is thankful to Telge for the pioneering work accomplished because it inspired chorus leaders and directors to start new choruses. Our region, with its choruses and quartets, is today highly appreciated for its quality. We give all singers and directors who have ever been a member of Telge Harmony a big virtual hug.

SAI celebrates its 75th anniversary this year, and Maria Ovesson was asked to contribute with her memories of how Telge came to be. We are happy to share her text that soon will be spread worldwide. Thank you, Maria.

* * *

“In 1975, I sang in a church choir. A friend of mine – Inger Lindstrand – also sang in the choir and we started talking about how fun it would be to have some music arrangements for female voices. She told me that she had lived in the US (Cedar Rapids) for a year in the mid-sixties and she had met a woman called Sally Eggleston and heard her chorus. She loved the harmony, and she remembered having heard the name Sweet Adelines, but that was all she knew.

1975 was of course before Internet and Google, but I had a friend in Kalamazoo, Michigan that I wrote to and asked if she had heard about something called Sweet Adelines. She answered that she had found Kalamazoo Chapter of Sweet Adelines and from them, she got the address to Sweet Adelines Inc in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Inger and I met to write a letter to Sweet Adelines and ask if we could buy some sheet music (at that point we had no intention of starting a chorus). After a month we received, not only a letter back, but a big package containing all kinds of material – Steps towards chartering, an issue of the Pitch Pipe, order forms and sheet music – Voice of Harmony.

We ordered the 1975 convention record, some sheet music and a folio with songs, gathered six more friends and started to learn ‘the Voice of Harmony’ and when we later received the record we could finally hear the beautiful barbershop sound for the first time!

We decided that Inger should be our musical leader, and I should be in charge of the administration.

The word spread to other choruses in Södertälje that we had started a small group of eight women singing barbershop and soon we were 22 members and started our journey towards chartering as the Prospective Telge Chorus.

We decided to go to the International convention in London 1977 to find out more about the organisation and when Sweet Adelines invited us to sing in Royal Albert Hall and receive our charter we of course accepted.

Of the 22 charter members in Telge Chapter there are three of us still active in Sweet Adelines but now in Rönninge Show Chorus- Britt-Helene Bonnedahl, Ulla Nyman and myself Maria Ovesson.

In Region #32, Nordic Light Region, we now have more than 900 members in 18 choruses, and two prospective choruses. We have 2 Queens of Harmony Quartets Growing Girls (1989) and Salt (2007) and 2/4 of Swinglish Mix (2003).

The International championship chorus Rönninge Show Chorus has won the gold medal three times.

When I think of the 45 years that have past since our first letter, I smile at the memory of how we just wanted some sheet music.


Södertälje February 8, 2020

Maria Ovesson

Co-founder of Telge Chorus

Co-founder of Rönninge Show Chorus”


2020 VC On-Demand 

In case you missed the virtual convention this weekend, don't be sad! All is possible to watch afterwords! Just follow this link and enjoy! 


Rönninge Show Chorus perfoms at the Sweet Adelines Virtual event 15 -17th October!  

Read all the story about the gold medal journey just click on the picture below (in swedish) 

Full schedule for this weekend here!   and access the event here




Maria Ovesson wrote this article to SAI

Sweet Adelines International is celebrating 75th anniversary and publishing several nominees and not only this great article from Maria Ovesson about the history how it began in the nordic light Maria Ovesson and Inger Lindstrand also got the Ann Goch Award, 2008 and 2002. And Maria wrote this great article about the very first steps to build a chorus :

Start of Sweet Adelines in Sweden

In 1975 I sang in a church choir. A friend of mine – Inger Lindstrand – also sang in the choir and we started talking about how fun it would be to have some music arrangements for female voices. She told me that she had lived in the US (Cedar Rapids) for a year in the mid-sixties and she had met a woman called Sally Eggleston and heard her chorus. She absolutely loved the harmony and she remembered having heard the name Sweet Adelines but that was all she knew.

1975 was of course before Internet and Google but I had a friend in Kalamazoo, Michigan that I wrote to and asked if she had heard about something called Sweet Adelines. She answered that she had found Kalamazoo Chapter of Sweet Adelines and from them she got the address to Sweet Adelines Inc in Tulsa Oklahoma.

Inger and I met to write a letter to Sweet Adelines and ask if we could buy some sheet music (at that point we had no intention of starting a chorus). After a month we received, not only a letter back, but a big package containing all kinds of material – Steps towards chartering, an issue of the Pitch Pipe, order forms and sheet music – Voice of Harmony.

We ordered the 1975 convention record, some sheet music and a folio with songs, gathered 6 more friends and started to learn ‘the Voice of Harmony’ and when we later received the record we could finally hear the beautiful barbershop sound for the first time!

We decided that Inger should be our musical leader and I should be in charge of the administration.

The word spread to other choruses in Södertälje that we had started a small group of eight women singing barbershop and soon we were 22 members and started our journey towards chartering as the Prospective Telge Chorus.

We decided to go to the International convention in London 1977 to find out more about the organisation and when Sweet Adelines invited us to sing in Royal Albert Hall and receive our charter we of course accepted.

Of the 22 charter members in Telge Chapter there are three of us still active in Sweet Adelines but now in Rönninge Show Chorus- Britt-Helene Bonnedahl, Ulla Nyman and myself Maria Ovesson.

In Region #32, Nordic Light Region, we now have more than 1000 members in 19 choruses. We have 2 Queens of Harmony Quartets Growing Girls (1989)and Salt (2007) and 2/4 of Swinglish Mix (2003).

The International championship chorus Rönninge Show Chorus has won the gold medal three times.

When I think of the 45 years that have past since our first letter I smile at the memory of how we just wanted some sheet music.

Södertälje February 8, 2020

Maria Ovesson

Co-founder of Telge Chorus

Co-founder of Rönninge Show Chorus







Great upcoming events this autumn!

As a part of the pandemi around the world we know it is strange times and not what we are used to but we are working hard in the background to give all our
members a great autumn to look forward to. 


As usual the director seminar is going to be the last weekend in August, but in a digital way. Watch your e-mail box for the invitation. PS.Only for the directors.


And we have great  news that in Co with SNOBS and Nordic Light Region we are invited to this spectacular day 26th September! See this flyer about the great

Read more about the future events on our Facebook, Instagram or here at the website!.













Have a great summer!

We wish all our members a nice, relaxing summer and a safe one with recommendations due to COVID19!

This spring brings us all new experiences how to run our choruses in a new digital way and with success though
if we look at the curcomstances were in! 
The app Zoom has go warm with all choruses, all digital regional meetings and also a great educational webinar was hold in May
when the regionals was suppose to be in Helsingborg. We stand strong thrue this virus and are doing that in Autumn!

See the events schedule! Directors event, Snobs event, educational event for all members (Music School goes digital) and 
much more the coming autumn/winter/spring-21!

Stay safe and take care and enjoy the summer time!

Best regards

Regional Management Team

Our new logo is here!!

Let us present our new logo Design by Anna Rosenberg Adlerstam !

We proudly present the Nordic Light Region new logo with lovely colourful theme in banners and
are a recurring thread in all our site! We love to represent the new, fresh and open minded region!

Colours represents also the nordic colours and that we are the shining star in a cappella harmony!



Regional convention 2020  is cancelled!

Sweet Adelines have cancelled all regional competitions 2020 due to the Corona (COVID19) .

We hope that other official future events will be reality, we are following updates and all

information regularly.


Regional Management Team 



New prospective chorus in Region 32!

We are pleased to introduce the newest chorus in our family, WonderAros from Denmark!

We wish them welcome to Nordic Light Region and give them all good luck! A lot of new friendship
will bond in this region! Follow them on Facebook




International Goldmedalists Rönninge Show Chorus!

With Made In Sweden Rönninge Show Chorus gave Swedish music
 a new a cappella experience in their great show in the finals, New Orleans September 2019.

This was the final performance for Britt-Helen Bonnedahl the fonder of the chorus at
internationals as a director of the chorus. But what a great end for this fabolous woman to

win the gold for the third time in row with Rönninge Show Chorus.

See their performance here at Youtube

The chorus world will get great coaching times as well as Rönninge Show Chorus.

Regional Champions May 2019

1st place chorus Pearls of the Sound  687p

1st place quartet Ambush 662p